Gentle Like Water – A companion journal (A4)


THIS JOURNAL is a companion to Gentle like Water: A Path for the Selful Soul and follows the structure of the book.

The journal is designed to give you space for reflection, contemplation and affirmation through writing, sketching, mind mapping or pasting pictures relating to your thoughts, musings and insights.

Most important is that you find the reflections and exercises useful and that they support you in your soul growth as you work through Gentle like Water: A Path for the Selful Soul.

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SKU: 978-0-6397-6992-9 Category: Tags: , , ,

Gladys Ryan Gladys Ryan has been working in the sector of human rights and development throughout her career. She was a student and trade union activist during apartheid and continued her activism through the work she did in adult education.

Gladys began her consultancy, Communicating Simply, in 1998 and continues this work, specifically focusing on writing skills training and mentoring, writing on behalf of organisations (histories, educational materials, newsletters, reflection documents, etc) and evaluations.

In 2020 she started a new initiative, The Selful Soul, through which she offers tarot readings (focused on reflection and guidance rather than divination) on social media as well socio-political content related to South Africa. Gladys is currently working on a deck of reflection cards to complement Gentle Like Water: A path for the Selful Soul.

"In Gentle Like Water Ryan grapples with the reality we all face - of difficult inner truths, of outer pressures that shape and mis-shape the self and the human being's journey to wholeness .... She helps us understand what the journey is and shares tips on how to travel the journey with less anxiety, 'stuckness; alienation and harm to fellow humans .... The key is to work with the ambiguities and contradictions; to embrace the idea of light and darkness as part of the realities we face, ... to work through it all with honesty and awareness. Ryan's work is an important one. What makes it extra special is the activist spin she puts on these fundamental questions as well as the open-ended approach she adopts throughout." - Frank Meintjies

"Gladys helps us grapple with what it means for us to be in harmony with ourselves on a daily basis. That's a huge gift to all of us .... This book is also a powerful legacy, Glad. Thank you." - Rethabile Jessica Gamede

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Get a commemorative launch bag and bookmark if you order both the book and the journal during the month of August 2023.

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